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PostgreSQL Adapter


turu-postgres depends on psycopg.


pip install "turu[postgres]"


Basic Usage

import pydantic
import turu.postgres

class User(pydantic.BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str

connection = turu.postgres.connect_from_env()

with connection.cursor() as cursor:
    user = cursor.execute_map(User, "SELECT 1, 'taro'").fetchone()

    assert user == User(id=1, name="taro")

Parameters Usage

format style

import pydantic
import turu.postgres

class User(pydantic.BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str

connection = turu.postgres.connect_from_env()

with connection.cursor() as cursor:
    user = cursor.execute_map(
        "SELECT %s, %s",
        [1, "taro"],

    assert user == User(id=1, name="taro")


The variables placeholder must always be a %s, even if a different placeholder (such as a %d for integers or %f for floats) may look more appropriate for the type.

Keyword Parameters Usage

pyformat style

import pydantic
import turu.postgres

class User(pydantic.BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str

connection = turu.postgres.connect_from_env()

with connection.cursor() as cursor:
    user = cursor.execute_map(
        "SELECT %(id)s, %(name)s",
        {"id": 1, "name": "taro"},

    assert user == User(id=1, name="taro")